Sallu ´ala hadha al-Nabi – صلوا على هذا النبي

Sallû ‘alâ hâdhan-Nabiyy

Sallû ‘alâ hâdhan-Nabiyy,
al Hâshimiyy-l Muttalibiyy
Ahmad zakiyyin-nasabi,
Man wasfuhû fil kutubi

Bimad hi Ta-Ha-l ‘Arabiyy
Tahlus-sunûfut tarabi   
Fal hajj bihi yâ matraby
Dawman tafuz bil ‘Arabi

Yâ âla wuddy akthirû
Min dhikrihi waabshirû   
Bikulli khayrin bash shirû
Kulla muhibbin lin-nabyy

Bimâ atâkum fa‘malû
Wa ‘an tarîqihi salû   
Wa ‘an siwâhu fa‘dilû
Fa’innahu khayrun-Nabiy

Fadlun-nabiyy lâ yuhaddu
Wa mâ darâhu min ahad   
Siwal ‘Alil Fardiu Samad
Rabbil barâyal Wâhhibi

Man lam yazur hâdhan-nabiyy
Min mashriqin aw maghribin   
Tabban lahu min mudhnibin
Mu‘arradin lil ghadabi

Yâ Rabbi Ikrâman liman
Ja‘altahu mukarraman   
Salli ‘alayhi da’man
Wa âlihi was- sahbihi

Wa tubb bi jâhil Mustafâ
‘alal musammâ ‘ârifâ   
Wamnah hu lutfan wa shifâ
Min kulli dâ’in murhibi

Wa ‘umma kullan bil ‘atâ
Wakshif ‘anil qalibil ghitâ   
Hatâ yurâ murtabitâ
Min kulli wajhin bin-Nabiyy

Send blessings over this Prophet
by Shaykh ‘Ârif al-Mahmaljiyy

Send blessings over this Prophet,
From the offspring of Hashim and Muttalab,
Ahmad, of pure descent,
Who was described in the (sacred) Books.

By praising TaHa, the Arab,
All sorts of pleasures are enjoyed.
So celebrate his (name) o singer,
And you will always reach your goal.

O people of my love, extensively
Mention him and rejoice,
And give glad tidings
To each one who loves the Prophet!

Act by what he came with,
Forget what is not from his path,
And turn away from what all other than him,
For he is certainly the best Prophet!

The virtues of the Prophet are countless,
No one can fully comprehend them,
Except the Most-High, the Unique, the Eternal,
The Lord of Creation, the All-Giver.

The one who never visited this Prophet,
(Be he) from East or from West,
May such a sinner perish,
Exposed the Wrath (of Allah)!

O Lord, honor the one
Whom you made worthy of honors,
Send eternally blessings upon him,
And upon his Family and Companions!
And, for the sake of the Elect, turn 
With benevolence to the undersigned
And bestow upon him kindness and healing
From all harm he may fear.

And involve everyone in you gift,
Remove the veil from the heart,
Until, united, they will see
The Prophet in every aspect.

Fred vare med denne Profet
Traditionell qasida

Fred vare med denne Profet
av Mutallibs och Hashims ätt,
Ahmed av ren arabisk stam –
Heliga Böcker nämnt hans namn.

Vår lovsång ljuder med all fröjd.
O sångare, till TaHa vänd
din blick och vädjan om du vill
att lyckan står din strävan bi.
Min kärleks folk, gläd er! Och om-
nämn  honom om och om igen
Glatt förebud sänd ut till dem
som älskar Allah's Sändebud!

Omsätt hans ord i handlingar
och färdas längs hans rätta väg.
Från andra vänd bort tankarna
ty ingen bättre finns än han.

Hans företräden saknar gräns –
Vem kan förstå hans upphöjdhet?
utom Den Ev'ge, Skaparen,
Den Ende, Högste, Givaren.

Sources &

översättning: bmk
English Translation: bmk
Transliteration: A student of sacred knowledge

About the Damascene munshidun
Audio: courtesy of Sacred Knowledge

Damas Cultural Society 2010
Latest update: 2010-08-29