pleasure of life is only in the company of the fuqarā ’ – they are the
sultans, the masters, and the princes. Therefore, keep their company and have adab in their assemblies. Leave your portion behind you whenever they send you forward. Seize the moment and always be present with them. Know that ridā is bestowed on those who are present. Cling to silence unless you are questioned. Then say, “I have no knowledge,” and be concealed in ignorance. |
لذّة العيش إلا صحبة الفقراء هم السلاطينن والساداة والأمراء فاصحبهمُ وتأدّب في مجالسهم وخلّ حظّك مهما قدّموك ورا واستغنم الوقت واحضر دائماً معهم واعلم بانّ الرضى يحتصّ من حضرا ولازم الصمت إلا إن سُئلتَ فقل لا علم عندي فكن بالجهل مستتراا |
Do not look at
faults unless you see a clear
fault appear in you, but it is concealed. Lower your head and ask forgiveness without cause. Stand apologizing in just treatment. If a fault appears from you, then apologize and lift the face of your apology for what has flowed in you from you. Say, “Your insignificant slave is more entitled to your pardon.” Act kindly in forgiveness and adhere to gentleness, O fuqara! |
ولا ترى العيب إلا فيك معتقداَ عيباَ بدا بيّناَ لكنه استترا وحُطَّ رأسك وستغفر بلا سبب وقم على قدم الانساف معتذرا وإن بدا منك ذنب فاعترف وأقِم وجه انتذارك عما فيك منك جرى وقل عبيدُكُمُ أولى بصفحكمُ فسامحوا وخذوا بالعفو يافقراءرا |
Take for granted
their goodness for that is
their nature. Fear neither overtaking nor harm from them. Always be generous in singing the praises of the brothers in the senses and the meaning. Lower the eye if someone slips. Watch the Shaykh carefully in his states, perhaps a trace of his approval will be seen on you. Advance seriousness and leap to serve him. Perhaps he will be pleased, and beware lest you become irritated. The pleasure of the Creator is in his pleasure and his obedience. He will be pleased with you, so then beware of leaving it. |
بالتفضّل أولى وهي شيمتهم فلا تخف دركاً منهم ولا ضررا وبالتفتي على الإخوان جد أبداً حساً ومعناً وغضَّ الطرف إن عثرا وراقب الثيخ في أحواله فعسى يرى عليك من استحسانه أثرا وقدم الجدّ وانهض عند خدمته عساه يرضى وحاذر أن تكن ضجرا ففي رضاه رضى الباري وطاعته يرضى عليك فكن من تركها حذرا |
Know that the Path
of the People is obscure
needing study, and the state of the one who claims it today is as you
see. When will I see them and where will I see them? When will my ear hear some news of them? Whom do I have to help me, and how is it possible for someone like me to compete with them in wells about which I do not recognize impurity? I love them and treat them gently and I offer them my heart’s blood – especially a party of them. |
بأنّ طريق القوم دارسة وحال من يدّعيها اليوم كيف ترى متى أراهم وأنى لي برؤيتهم أو تسمع الأذن مني عنهم خبرا من لي وأنى لمثلي أن يُزاحمهم على موارذدَ لم أُلفِ بها كدرا أُحِبّهم و أداريهم وأُوْثِرهم بمُهجتي وخصوصاً منهمُ نفرا |
A people of noble
qualities – wherever they
sit, a fragrance remains in the place after them. Taşawwuf is guided by their character in the Paths. Excellent harmony is theirs that delights my eye. They are the people of my love and my lovers who are among those who trail the coat-tails of might in magnificence. May I be reunited with them in Allah, and my wrong actions forgiven and pardoned in Him.. |
كرام السجايا حيث ما جلسوا يبقى المكان على آثارهم عَطِرا يُهدي التصوف من أخلاقهم ظرقا حسن التآلف منهم راقني نظرا هم أهل ودّي وأحبلبي الذين همُ ممن يَجرّ ذيول العزّ مفتخِرا لا زال شمْلي بهم في الله مجتمعاً وذنبنا فيه مَغفوراً ومُغتفَرا |
Then blessings be
upon the |
ثم الصلاة عاى المختار سيّدنا
محمد خير من وفّى ومن نذرا