`Abidin family tree

Lineage of `Umar 'Abidin:

He was `Umar
b. `Abd al-`Aziz b. Ahmad
b. `Abd al-Rahim
b. Muhammad Salih al-Din (known as Ibn `Abidin because of his rightousness)
b. Najm al-Din b. Muhammad
b. Kamal b. Taqi al-Din (al-mudarris)
b. Mustafa b. Husayn b. Rahmatu Allahal-Thani b.  Qasim
b. Hasan
b. Isma'il (the first of them who came to Damascus, became the leader of the guild of ashraf in 330 H. ),
b. Husayn al-Thalith,
b. Ahmad b. al-Khamis
b. Isma'il al-Thani
b. Muhammad
b. Isma'il al-A`raj
b. al-Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq
b. al-Imam Muhammad al-Baqir
b. al-Imam `Ali Zayn al-`Abidin
b. al-Imam al-Husayn
b. Sayyidina `Ali & Sayyidatina Fatima radia Allah `anhum.

Latest update: 2008-October-13
© Damas Cultural Society 2008