Al-`Arif biAllah
Abu `Ali al-Fudayl ibn `Iyad
(b. in Samarkand – d. 187 H. in Makka)

Biography of
The Repentance of Abu `Ali al-Fudayl ibn `Iyad
by anomymous

Here follows the incident concerning the repentence al-Fudayl ibn ‘Iyad rahimahullah, who made a complete turn from being a thief and highway robber to an ascetic person, an ardent worshipper of Allah , and then to a great scholar of Hadith and a person who invited towards Allah through his ways and his speech. All this happened when he heard the Qur’ãn with his heart and his intellect. He then turned to Allah with a true and sincere repentance

Al-Hafiz lbn Hajar says the following under his biography: “He is the ascetic and ardent worshipper of Allah. Fudayl ibn lyad at-Tamimi al-Yarbut al-Khurasani and then al-Makki. He passed away in 187 A.H. May Allah 3 shower His mercy on him.”

“Abu ‘Ammar al-Husayn ibn Hurayth, a student of al Fudayl, says: ‘I heard al-Fadl ibn Musa saying: al-Fudayl ibn Iyad was a thief, a highway robber between the towns of Abiward and Sarakhs. The reason for his repentance was that he fell in love with a young woman. While he was climbing the wall to her house, he heard someone reciting the following verse

“Has the time not come for the believers that their hearts submit to the remembrance of Allah?” (Surah al-HadId,57:16)

When he heard these words, he said: ‘Indeed, my Sustainer. The time has come.

So he went away from there. The night forced him to seek refuge in a ruined building. When he entered it, he saw a group of travellers standing inside. He overheard one of them saying: ‘Let’s depart now.’ Another replied: ‘We should rather wait till morning because Fudayl will be lying in wait on the road in order to rob us.’

Fudayl says: ‘I thought to my self and said:
‘I am spending the nights in committing sins while a group of Muslims are fearing me here. I think that the only reason Allah sent me to them was so that I may tremble [in fear of Him]. o
"O Allah! I turn in repentance to You. My repentance is that I will live in the neighbourhood of the Sacred House (the Ka’bah}.’

He then moved to Makkah, settled down their and lived in it’s neighbourhood till he passed away there".

“lbrahim ibn al-Ash’ath, the servant of al-Fudayl, said "I have not seen anyone apart from al-Fudayl in whose heart Allah was the greatest. When Allah was mentioned before him, or if he heard the Qur’an, fear and grief would become apparent on him, his eyes would shed tears and he would cry to such an extent that those who were sitting near him would feel sorry for him.’

Rabah ibn Khãlid said: “Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak said to me: ‘When I look at al-Fudayl, my grief is renewed and I detest my self.’ He then began crying.”

O my brother! This is how a burning repentance is. It brings forth true illumination.

Biography of
Abu `Ali al-Fudayl ibn `Iyad
(b. n Samarkand – d. 187 H. in Makka)
in al-Risala al-Qushayriyya

He was from Khurasan, from the region of Merv. It is said thet he was born in Samarkand and grew up in Abiward. He died in Makkah in the month of Muharram in the year 187 H.

I heard Muhammad ibn al-Husayn say that Abu Ammar related [the following] about al-Fudayl bin Musa, “Fudayl was a brigand who worked the road between Abiward and Dusarkhas. His repentance came about in the following way. He had developed a passion for a serving girl. He was scaling a wall to get to her when he heard a recite of the Quran chant, ‘Has the time not come for those who believe, that their hearts will be humble for the remembrance of God?’ (57:16). He said, ‘O Lord, the time has come.’ So he abandoned what he was doing and took shelter for the night in a ruin. Unexpectedly, a group of people was already there. Some of them said, ‘Let us leave,’ but another party said, ‘Not until morning, for Fudayl is on the road and will fall upon us.’ So Fudayl repented [before them] and reassured them. He then went to live near the sacred precincts in Makkah until he died.”

Fudayl bin Iyad said, “When God loves a servant He increases his pain, and when He hates a servant He makes this world wide for him.” Ibn al-Mubarak remarked, “When Fudayl bin Iyad died, sadness passed out of this world.”

Fudayl said, “If the whole of this world were spread before me and I was not accountable for what I did with it, I would still shun it, just as one of you shuns the gutter when you pass by it, lest it soil your clothes.” And, “if you should swear that I am a hypocrite, I would prefer it to my swearing that I am not one.”

He also said, “To give up working for the sake of human beings is hypocrisy; to work for the sake of human beings is polytheism.”

Abu Ali al-Razi recalled, “I was with Fudayl for thirty years and never saw him laughing or smiling except on the day his son Ali died. I asked him about this and he said, “If pleases God, how can it no be pleasing for me?” Fudayl said, “I revolt against God, and know it from the misbehavior of my donkey and my servant.”

Abu `Ali al-Fudayl ibn `Iyad
(b. n Samarkand – d. 187 H. in Makka)
ur al-Risala al-Qushayriyya
övers. Göran Ogén

3. Abū cAlī al-Fudayl bin cIyād(1)

1. [Han] kom från trakten av Marw i Khurāsān. Det sägs att han föddes i Samarkand, växte upp i Abīward och dog i Mekka i månaden Muharram år 187 (år 803 A.D.).

2. Jag (al-Qushayrī) hörde Muhammad bin al-Husayn berätta följande, som han hört från Abū Bakr Muhammad bin Djacfar, som hört det från al-Hasan bin cAbd Allāh al-cAskarī, som hört det från Ibn Akhī Abī Zurca, som hört det från Muhammad bin Ishāq bin Rāhūya, som hört det från Abū cAmmār, som hört det från al-Fadl bin Mūsā, som hade berättat: »Al-Fudayl var en skurk som ägnade sig åt överfall av vägfarande mellan Abīward och Sarakhs. Orsaken till hans omvändelse var att han var förälskad i en flicka, och medan han höll på att klättra över muren som ledde till henne hörde han någon recitera 'Är det inte dags för dem som tror att de underkastar sina hjärtan ihågkallandet av Gud [dhikr allāh]...' (Koranen 57:16). Och han svarade 'Jo Herre, omedelbart!' och vände tillbaka. Natten fick honom att söka skydd på en ruinplats där det redan fanns en grupp människor. En av dem sade 'Vi ger oss iväg!', men andra sade 'Inte förrän vi vaknar upp i morgon bittida, ty Fudayl är ute på vägen och kommer att överfalla oss!'. Då omvände sig Fudayl och gav dem sitt beskydd. Han vistades på denna helgade plats tills han dog.»

3. Al-Fudayl bin cIyād sade: »När Gud älskar en tjänare ökar Han hans vånda, och om Han hatar en tjänare gör Han världen vidare för honom(2)

4. Ibn al-Mubārak sade: »När al-Fudayl dog hördes sorgen vida omkring.»

5. Al-Fudayl sade: »Om hela världen och allt vad därtill hör lades inför mina fötter, och jag inte kunde kunde stå till svars för den, skulle jag betrakta den som oren, precis som var och en av er betraktar kadavret som orent och som inte får vidröra er klädnad då ni passerar förbi det.»

6. Al-Fydayl sade: »Jag svure hellre vid att ögontjäneri är mig kärare än jag svure vid att jag inte är behäftad med ögontjäneri.»

7. Al-Fudayl sade: »Att upphöra med den goda gärningen på grund av [att] folk [ser mig] är hyckleri; att utföra goda gärningar på grund av [att] folk [ser mig] är avguderi.»

8. Abū cAlī al-Rāzī sade: »Jag umgicks med al-Fudayl under trettio år och såg honom inte skratta eller le utom den dag då hans son cAlī dog. När jag talade med honom om detta sade han 'Om Gud önskar [att] något [skall ske], så önskar jag det [också]!'.»

9. Al-Fudayl sade 'Ja, jag är sannerligen olydig mot Gud! Det märker jag genom hur min åsna och min tjänare beter sig [mot mig]'.


1) Död 187/803. Erik Hermelins översättning av kapitlet om Al-Fudayl i cAttārs Tadhkiratu'l-awliyā´ finns att läsa i hans TAZKIRATÚL'L-AWLIYÁ - VÄNNERNAS MINNE, del I, pp. 141-161.

2) Dvs.: alienerar honom (tjänaren) från Honom genom hans (tjänarens) kärlek till världen.

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Latest aupdate: 2010-05-26