This sign on the southern (qibla) wall of the Umawi mosque in Damascus marks the place of prayer, or the grave. of Prophet Hud (s). Some traditions indicate that he was buried inside this wall when the mosque was constructed in the early Umayyad period. The most reliable information however is that Prophet Hud is buried in Yeman. - The Umawi mosque also contains a well which is called the "Well of Hud."

Maqam of Prophet Dhu Kifl (s) in Muhajirin, Damascus

Jabal al-Arba`in ion Mount Qasiun, Damascus

Cupole of maqam of Habil ibn Adam (s)
Zabadani, Damascus

Inside maqam of Habil ibn Adam (s)
Zabadani, Damascus

Sources and Acknowledgements

Damas Cultural Society 2006